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A piece of the main 1/1/07

IMG_0427.JPG (egocentrics)  11/17/06ThumbnailsWE WERE ROOKED!  1/16/07(egocentrics)  11/17/06ThumbnailsWE WERE ROOKED!  1/16/07(egocentrics)  11/17/06ThumbnailsWE WERE ROOKED!  1/16/07(egocentrics)  11/17/06ThumbnailsWE WERE ROOKED!  1/16/07

A piece of the main 1/1/07

Basically i'm leaning more upon what I had read of in medical books, than upon the actions of individual medics. The former seems less liable to any prejudicial biases.
Elsewise, we may have appeared a couple of squares from Delaware. Leaving in just nine (9) days, enhanced that look of ignorance. The mode I suggest, is the "wise guy" one. Which dissipated, as I revealed being further informed, than they had anticipated.
The revelation led into the "defensive" mode, and a need for reinforcement. The establishment not caring to acquire such blemishes, found obliging enough.
Thus Davidis suddenly up against Goliath, and apparently sans a slingshot! What to do? Well, our money says "In God we trust," and Mrs. Carrigy always said, "God helps those who help themselves."
Since this is like my last hurrah, in this arena (existency) anyway; we're both soon due to turn in our chips, I endure with the patience of Job.

Otherwise, just one more soul-in-body who popped in under the influences-before popping out.