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Bobby 1/3/31 - 1/8/07 @ Peace

IMG_0449.JPG S.O.S. TEST CASE NOV. 12, '06Thumbnails9:50 A.M. BOBBYS.O.S. TEST CASE NOV. 12, '06Thumbnails9:50 A.M. BOBBYS.O.S. TEST CASE NOV. 12, '06Thumbnails9:50 A.M. BOBBYS.O.S. TEST CASE NOV. 12, '06Thumbnails9:50 A.M. BOBBY

Finally at rest! For me and my own exclusive world, it's awesome, as another light goes out. His like the first and last one - for me.
The performance prior to his departure, was hardly calculated to lead one in trust. I think of us as neither good nor bad, but ever under those influences.
I believe certain conditions, in effect, tend to elicit the devil within. I also am of the persuasion, it only affects the body, not the soul. Evil and the devil part of creation.
I'm of the idea, both good and bad are only our existency(three dimensional state). Certain of us, apt to provoke evil in others.
In sum, not tending to Bob's esophagus, forth with, as an [u]act of evil[/u], by beings who otherwise are neither good or evil. He's gone now, but i'm not. He's free of us, but i'm apt to require some doctoring eventually.
Reckon putting it over on one another, permeates our very being. We are competitors, not lovers of man.
Still, i'd imagine intelligent beings, most wary of one another, doctors not in the least. Ergo, well-informed soul-in-body beings aren't exactly operating on blind faith, in respects to be doctored. The End!..