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6:20am. The Reality "on faith" 11/16/06

IMG_0455.JPG 9:50 A.M. BOBBYThumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/069:50 A.M. BOBBYThumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/069:50 A.M. BOBBYThumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/069:50 A.M. BOBBYThumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/06

6:20am. The Reality "on faith" 11/16/06
I have a little faith in man, due to the devil. As I see it, both Christians and even most non-Christians expect (trust) doctors to act in a Christian manner. In reality, some well, and some wont.
As I see it, going down one's esophagus, is being a Christian, on the grounds that it provides a patient, the best chance for a quality of life existency (soul-in body state).
Over the years, various personal experiences have withered away at any personal faith and trust in us. Life is full of changelings (hypocrits) due to the devil inside of us.
I certainly do believe both good and evil exists, has influence upon us, so beings aren't as steady as a rock. "Yours Truely" included. Yes, i've been subjected to both forces, over the years.
Seems Bobby ran afoul of an [u]act of evil[/u] through man by the devil evil). Going down into the esophagus should have been good (Godly). Yes that omission is symbolic of carelessness of the patient.
Had I flat out trusted those in the guise of healers, I wouldn't be acting as I am. I have no faith in man, doctors included. Knowing man is possible, and one is wise, to know man as unbelievably, under the influences, so can't remain reliable – as such!
I rest my case!…