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Bluff to the end 10/31/06

IMG_0458.JPG Perhaps… Space 10/26/06Thumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/06Perhaps… Space 10/26/06Thumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/06Perhaps… Space 10/26/06Thumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/06Perhaps… Space 10/26/06Thumbnails"Snow Jobs, Galore" 11/7/06

The End
Not [u]Really[/u] Caring
Bluff to the end 10/31/06

A token gesture seems to suffice, and many you survival as a triumph. Otherwise our actions seem more in accord to how well one lives.
We act, as per each of our convenience to. To wit, "well, you're alive, aren't you!" While stuffing our own face.
The ruse is: a token gesture, without [u]really[/u] going very far – for you. Unless one is truly instrumentally orchestrated into the other's life affairs, while not in tune with their feelings, one basically doesn't care! Man is full of deceptual illusions that readily deceive.
You don't [u]really[/u] care, either! Intellectually, you might share the same wave lengths, but it lacks feeling.
"Body Maintenance" is a moneymaking occupation. A rather good racket to be in. Well, it's not for gratis. Not Christian charitable.
Money is their primary objective. Your's, should be, your own health and welfare. Yes sir, we fall under the influences: negative, positive/pro, con/good and evil. For whom: you, me?
The above appears a discripture of how we seem to function (operate) at large – around the globe in time immemorial. Nothing further – nothing less…