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IMG_0470.JPG THE LOW DOWN 10/13/06ThumbnailsBaloneyTHE LOW DOWN 10/13/06ThumbnailsBaloneyTHE LOW DOWN 10/13/06ThumbnailsBaloneyTHE LOW DOWN 10/13/06ThumbnailsBaloney

For those who seek to remain well and last longer, bodily! Another function of our interdependent arrangement, one more angle of approach – for a reciprocal return, between beings.
Medicine people thrive on having patients abound, [u]not[/u] on well people, or the dead! They require a broader knowledge, in order to answer all the variance, whereas a lay body and soul need only be familiar of the minutes, transcribed to their particular case. Doctors have directives to check with.
So, yes; a hypothetical case can be postulated and answered to – on what reaction should follow!?!!
We need that third party, static reference point, to settle the issue, unbiasedly. We can't trust us, we are much too variable. Learn more upon the possible and probable motivations of precast beings (i.e. sans imagined attributes, and/or failings), as it appears the devil can get within most any of us, anytime.
I've written a virtuous roller coaster, myself, my very soul on one. Our bodies are temporal, remaining of a seemingly greater priority.
Back to earth and away from the divine, I consider myself, a mere mortal among mortals, under test entering and exiting(?).
Evil ways are compelling and rewarding for some here on earth, temporarily, leaving others to bear the negative aspects of soulless acts. No doubt, the soul is not some profound preoccupation, of most, much of the time.
Each of us centers an exclusive universe, comprised of one's own accumulative experiences. Each of us, separate and apart, is of course still close to self, followed at a distance by a minimal number of others, who had gained various degrees of closeness to self.
A few may never experience significant closeness? One may even mess, disputing rivals, they had grown close to. The memory bank leads to nostalgia. Your mind, your personal recorder. The experiences of others can be fairly similar, or startling dissimilar! In effect, realistically; he was shortchanged! Can't evaluate the cause, or causes, left solely to the imaginary!...