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  • - Thursday 26 July 2012 13:02
    <b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> Fro® there, ve vent North and west where we started to notice the gradual dwindeling of live oak trees to the point where they were only shrubs. Vs stayed In Tsxas for three days trying to get out, Tsxss was very boring. You'd be bored too if all you could sss was psoplss ranches and oil wells as far as the eye could see*

    On the way west, we saw the sore fasous landmarks of the nation like the Grand Canyon in Arisooa. He couldn't go down to the bottom because if we left the casper where it was* the snow that was cosing would crack the pilpes* We went to La* Yegaa and my sots played the five cent slot sachine for hours, She never won the Jackpot though.

    Our last stop in Nevada was tombstone* Tombstone was a city with tombstones withn funny things written os thss* Ve went up to the Bookies and wanted to stay, but there was a big snow stem coming and if we stayed, we would be blown away, so we left*

    After that,we finnaly arrived at California. It was there that we finnaly got asms decent weather, California was the stats that 1 rememberd the nost.I saw the Golden Gats Bridge in San Fransisco. It was really great because we went over it in the morning when there was a lot of fog that was moving fast and was very dense. It was so dense that when we got out of the oar and looked at the water, we were nearly knockedover by the fog because it was very dense and moving very fast,

    Ve went to Anebelm next and stayed there for a while. There was'nt anything exciting in Aneheim so we went to Los Angelas so mom could see an old friend from college. Nothing such happened there at the time, so we went to Santa Barbra where it was pretty pretty. Vs were driving along the cliffs where there were a lot of wild flowers growing on the cliffs. Non wanted to pick some and almost fell off the cliffs Into the red tide in the ocean below.

    In San Fransisco, we sold the oapsr and left the country for Hawaii. Ve happened to have lnded at night when nothing at all was happening. Ve omly walked around the airport for about twenty minutee and hopped back on the plane &lt;m a trip to Guam where thdxe was nothing to do but sweat it out in the 120 degree weather. After our brief stay in Guam* we left there for Sangkok, Thailand. Ve stayed in the classy Slam Intercontinental Hotel, for one night. Then we crossed the Mekong Biter on a private plane* Ve landed in a tropical mudhole,

    Laos. Our house was on Salafcaton B-13* I thought We were rich with a maid until I found.out that everyone on the dirt road had one* Ve had neighbors traa all sides* The only interesting neighbors were a Russian ffcmily across the street from us. There mas a little kid who was always spying on us. Our other neighbors sere the Salankies, who moved out before us to Fort Bliss, Texas. After they left, a famoly named the Amauraults moved in. Vs moved out bsfors they did and I don't knowwhat became of them. Across the street were the Tuokess.

    Next door there was a farm with chickens and roosters that woke us up In the moxtilhg.

    There wasn't anything that was was very big except for two buildings* One was the national monument. I only went inside it once
  • - Thursday 26 July 2012 13:02
    <b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> Fro® there, ve vent North and west where we started to notice the gradual dwindeling of live oak trees to the point where they were only shrubs. Vs stayed In Tsxas for three days trying to get out, Tsxss was very boring. You'd be bored too if all you could sss was psoplss ranches and oil wells as far as the eye could see*

    On the way west, we saw the sore fasous landmarks of the nation like the Grand Canyon in Arisooa. He couldn't go down to the bottom because if we left the casper where it was* the snow that was cosing would crack the pilpes* We went to La* Yegaa and my sots played the five cent slot sachine for hours, She never won the Jackpot though.

    Our last stop in Nevada was tombstone* Tombstone was a city with tombstones withn funny things written os thss* Ve went up to the Bookies and wanted to stay, but there was a big snow stem coming and if we stayed, we would be blown away, so we left*

    After that,we finnaly arrived at California. It was there that we finnaly got asms decent weather, California was the stats that 1 rememberd the nost.I saw the Golden Gats Bridge in San Fransisco. It was really great because we went over it in the morning when there was a lot of fog that was moving fast and was very dense. It was so dense that when we got out of the oar and looked at the water, we were nearly knockedover by the fog because it was very dense and moving very fast,

    Ve went to Anebelm next and stayed there for a while. There was'nt anything exciting in Aneheim so we went to Los Angelas so mom could see an old friend from college. Nothing such happened there at the time, so we went to Santa Barbra where it was pretty pretty. Vs were driving along the cliffs where there were a lot of wild flowers growing on the cliffs. Non wanted to pick some and almost fell off the cliffs Into the red tide in the ocean below.

    In San Fransisco, we sold the oapsr and left the country for Hawaii. Ve happened to have lnded at night when nothing at all was happening. Ve omly walked around the airport for about twenty minutee and hopped back on the plane &lt;m a trip to Guam where thdxe was nothing to do but sweat it out in the 120 degree weather. After our brief stay in Guam* we left there for Sangkok, Thailand. Ve stayed in the classy Slam Intercontinental Hotel, for one night. Then we crossed the Mekong Biter on a private plane* Ve landed in a tropical mudhole,

    Laos. Our house was on Salafcaton B-13* I thought We were rich with a maid until I found.out that everyone on the dirt road had one* Ve had neighbors traa all sides* The only interesting neighbors were a Russian ffcmily across the street from us. There mas a little kid who was always spying on us. Our other neighbors sere the Salankies, who moved out before us to Fort Bliss, Texas. After they left, a famoly named the Amauraults moved in. Vs moved out bsfors they did and I don't knowwhat became of them. Across the street were the Tuokess.

    Next door there was a farm with chickens and roosters that woke us up In the moxtilhg.

    There wasn't anything that was was very big except for two buildings* One was the national monument. I only went inside it once