<b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> for everything different. Then, on Chrietnae week, nhe reoieved both of the order* that she ordered. That gave us a double Christars. It austhave* been preety good because I actually reaeaber soae of the things that I got that year, but I won’t bore you with what I got.
The Slaa Intercontinental Hotel was the sight of a Jams Bond aovie in Thailand, I don't know what the naae of the aovid was* but it was there and that asde the hotel faaous, I think that when we got hose aoviee, we got that aovie, but ia not sure. We always got hoae aovie? in Laos. There was a big aovie scredn in the living rooa where we always saw soviet fro* dads office. They were aostly shows of TV series like I Dress of Jeannie,, and Thrillseekers, Once, we got an X-rated aovie without knowing it until the aovie was over. Diane and I weren't alloud to see It.
While we were in Chlng-al and the bosbs were going off, we were feed lug the elephants bananas. Diane did it all but I was afraid to because I flgtred that if the elephants could eat the baananas whole, they could eat m whole. The elephants were the kind that aoved things to heavy for sen to aove. They aoved big logs with their trunks and people were on their backs, directing tbea where to go,
I liked school in Laos., because it was so easy! Our report cards had nothing bu t Is and Os on thee. I never got anything below an S because it was the easiest school I*d ever been to. I wish school was that easy heae. If it awas, I would probably be in 8th grade now because I would have been proaoted by now. But there axe always the doofs who couldn't pass sacond grade. The youngest Aaaurault never got past second grade and had to be aoved back into ay first grade class* I kind of doubt that he ever got pas first grade, Hes probably in fifth or sixth grade now , whean he should be in eighth grade,
I never picked up any interesting hobbies in Laos because there was never any tlae to do anything and it was so hot,that whenever I wanted to go outside, I would have to coae right back In or else have a heatstroke..
I never did get any heatstroke in Laos. It was always raising there to dro wn out the heat, Soaetlaes it would rain for a few days before stopping* t Once, we got a theraoaeter to tell what the teaperture was and it only went up Jro 120 degree a, and it got to be 140 dsgreesonee, and the thing brokeI
The reason we left Laos in the first place was because of a sequence of events. First off, Saigon fall in April, 1975* Then, everyone in Laos knew that Laos would go next, so everyone left. We didn't start to leave A until a few days after everyone elae left because we were waiting for the tlae the goveraaent told us to leave. We left early anjrw&y because things were getting really hot, Web would have been evacuated In a few dayebut we left anyway. Sows one had shot all four of our tires an our car and they were all flat. We had to leave Laos now, so we got new tires and had to leave Laos on a truck ferrp because we alssed the car ferry. We crossed thv’ river for the last tlae. We landed ife Thailand, and drove up to the Sian Intercontinental Hotel where we stayed there for about two weeks when we saw soae of our best friends far the last tlae, I saw Johnny Fullst for the last tlae, Diane saw Sandy Dixon for the last tine. We never aaw her again, but Diane got a call fro* her once while Sandy was visiting Taapa..
- Thursday 26 July 2012 13:04
<b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> for everything different. Then, on Chrietnae week, nhe reoieved both of the order* that she ordered. That gave us a double Christars. It austhave* been preety good because I actually reaeaber soae of the things that I got that year, but I won’t bore you with what I got.
The Slaa Intercontinental Hotel was the sight of a Jams Bond aovie in Thailand, I don't know what the naae of the aovid was* but it was there and that asde the hotel faaous, I think that when we got hose aoviee, we got that aovie, but ia not sure. We always got hoae aovie? in Laos. There was a big aovie scredn in the living rooa where we always saw soviet fro* dads office. They were aostly shows of TV series like I Dress of Jeannie,, and Thrillseekers, Once, we got an X-rated aovie without knowing it until the aovie was over. Diane and I weren't alloud to see It.
While we were in Chlng-al and the bosbs were going off, we were feed lug the elephants bananas. Diane did it all but I was afraid to because I flgtred that if the elephants could eat the baananas whole, they could eat m whole. The elephants were the kind that aoved things to heavy for sen to aove. They aoved big logs with their trunks and people were on their backs, directing tbea where to go,
I liked school in Laos., because it was so easy! Our report cards had nothing bu t Is and Os on thee. I never got anything below an S because it was the easiest school I*d ever been to. I wish school was that easy heae. If it awas, I would probably be in 8th grade now because I would have been proaoted by now. But there axe always the doofs who couldn't pass sacond grade. The youngest Aaaurault never got past second grade and had to be aoved back into ay first grade class* I kind of doubt that he ever got pas first grade, Hes probably in fifth or sixth grade now , whean he should be in eighth grade,
I never picked up any interesting hobbies in Laos because there was never any tlae to do anything and it was so hot,that whenever I wanted to go outside, I would have to coae right back In or else have a heatstroke..
I never did get any heatstroke in Laos. It was always raising there to dro wn out the heat, Soaetlaes it would rain for a few days before stopping* t Once, we got a theraoaeter to tell what the teaperture was and it only went up Jro 120 degree a, and it got to be 140 dsgreesonee, and the thing brokeI
The reason we left Laos in the first place was because of a sequence of events. First off, Saigon fall in April, 1975* Then, everyone in Laos knew that Laos would go next, so everyone left. We didn't start to leave A until a few days after everyone elae left because we were waiting for the tlae the goveraaent told us to leave. We left early anjrw&y because things were getting really hot, Web would have been evacuated In a few dayebut we left anyway. Sows one had shot all four of our tires an our car and they were all flat. We had to leave Laos now, so we got new tires and had to leave Laos on a truck ferrp because we alssed the car ferry. We crossed thv’ river for the last tlae. We landed ife Thailand, and drove up to the Sian Intercontinental Hotel where we stayed there for about two weeks when we saw soae of our best friends far the last tlae, I saw Johnny Fullst for the last tlae, Diane saw Sandy Dixon for the last tine. We never aaw her again, but Diane got a call fro* her once while Sandy was visiting Taapa..