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  • - Thursday 26 July 2012 13:05
    <b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> After that, we swent to Wimpys and had a delicious hamburger, We saw the tower of London on a boat. We then went to a reataraunt where the Bustard was bo hot, I had about fifteen Cokes after I had just a little of that stuff. After I cooled off, 1 got to walk around the outside of Buckingham Palace, We didn't get to see the changing of the guards, but we did see the guards,they were always there. We w&amp;lkdd around Hyde Park for a long tine by the lake, and at the end, there was something that looked like a e castle. I*a stllll not sure what it was. Then w« went back to our hctel.We would still be there if «e didn't find our passports. We lost them some-where, but we didn't know when. We were sure they were at Victoria Station* but it was closed ob Sunday. Dad went to Victoria Station, the Passport office, and the office downstairs. Then we found them, right where we left them, in our suitcases, in the rooa in our hotel. Then we Flnnsly left for good.

    We finnally landed in Washington B.C. at Dullis International Airport, We got off the plane and went to see our old house. It was still 202 Suaaers Drive and looked the saae except it was painted.

    We went to see all the other things in Washington like the White House,the Capital, The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, The Jefforson Memorial, The Smithsonian Institution, The National Gallery of Art, The Kennedy Center, Mount Vernon, and Arlington National Cemetery.

    From there, we hopped on a plane and landed at Tampa International Airpott. We set up house at 4077, Dana Shores Drive.

    When I get there, I started school in second grade. I went to Bay-crest Blementery School for second grade, I lived up the street frost Roderick Smith then. I lived on a canal at the end, so when the tide came in, we got it all the water. Sometimes, the tide would be especielly high and the water would clew onto our yard.

    I left Baycrest Elementry School and went to the Academy of the Holy Names in third grade. As you've probably guessed, I still go to this school

    In fourthgrade, I started to play the piano, and I still do. I also started to play the drums, but I don't play them anymore,though. In fourth grade, I joined my first soccer team. I didn't score any goals that year, and our team stunk, but it waex pretty fun.

    After fourth grade, I went to summer camp for the first time and flew on a plane by myself for the first time when I was 10, It was a wild-nerness camp in North Carolina. Ths next year, in Fifth gradw, dad had to be station3d in YaldoeAta, Georgia. It's Just a small town neer the border of Florida and Georgia. He was stationed there bo investigate crimes in that area for the time he was there for one and a half years, visiting home once in a while until he finnally came back for good. After fifth grade, I went to a different summer camp. It was in North Carolina, It was called damp Chosatonga for boys.

    In sixth grade,dad came back from Valdosta for good. He's still her • today. Nothing special happened in sixth grade, except that we got a pool. The people finished it while I waa gone at camp for the third and last tiae. When I got back from camp,the pobl Mas done.

    It was also time for esventh grade to etart(FUN). I'm still in seventh grade,obviously. This year, I won a district Plano compltition but didn't a win the stats competition.

    Ths highlight of ay life isn't exaetly writing this thing, but I think I'll remember most the two years that I lived in Vlentiene, Laos.

    They weren't exactly the most exciting and fun years of ay life, but certalntly the most memorable. I hope you enjoyed my trip around the world,it'e too bad you weren't there, but some people I wish were.
  • - Thursday 26 July 2012 13:05
    <b>ABBYY Finereader OCR Conversion (unedited)</b> After that, we swent to Wimpys and had a delicious hamburger, We saw the tower of London on a boat. We then went to a reataraunt where the Bustard was bo hot, I had about fifteen Cokes after I had just a little of that stuff. After I cooled off, 1 got to walk around the outside of Buckingham Palace, We didn't get to see the changing of the guards, but we did see the guards,they were always there. We w&amp;lkdd around Hyde Park for a long tine by the lake, and at the end, there was something that looked like a e castle. I*a stllll not sure what it was. Then w« went back to our hctel.We would still be there if «e didn't find our passports. We lost them some-where, but we didn't know when. We were sure they were at Victoria Station* but it was closed ob Sunday. Dad went to Victoria Station, the Passport office, and the office downstairs. Then we found them, right where we left them, in our suitcases, in the rooa in our hotel. Then we Flnnsly left for good.

    We finnally landed in Washington B.C. at Dullis International Airport, We got off the plane and went to see our old house. It was still 202 Suaaers Drive and looked the saae except it was painted.

    We went to see all the other things in Washington like the White House,the Capital, The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, The Jefforson Memorial, The Smithsonian Institution, The National Gallery of Art, The Kennedy Center, Mount Vernon, and Arlington National Cemetery.

    From there, we hopped on a plane and landed at Tampa International Airpott. We set up house at 4077, Dana Shores Drive.

    When I get there, I started school in second grade. I went to Bay-crest Blementery School for second grade, I lived up the street frost Roderick Smith then. I lived on a canal at the end, so when the tide came in, we got it all the water. Sometimes, the tide would be especielly high and the water would clew onto our yard.

    I left Baycrest Elementry School and went to the Academy of the Holy Names in third grade. As you've probably guessed, I still go to this school

    In fourthgrade, I started to play the piano, and I still do. I also started to play the drums, but I don't play them anymore,though. In fourth grade, I joined my first soccer team. I didn't score any goals that year, and our team stunk, but it waex pretty fun.

    After fourth grade, I went to summer camp for the first time and flew on a plane by myself for the first time when I was 10, It was a wild-nerness camp in North Carolina. Ths next year, in Fifth gradw, dad had to be station3d in YaldoeAta, Georgia. It's Just a small town neer the border of Florida and Georgia. He was stationed there bo investigate crimes in that area for the time he was there for one and a half years, visiting home once in a while until he finnally came back for good. After fifth grade, I went to a different summer camp. It was in North Carolina, It was called damp Chosatonga for boys.

    In sixth grade,dad came back from Valdosta for good. He's still her • today. Nothing special happened in sixth grade, except that we got a pool. The people finished it while I waa gone at camp for the third and last tiae. When I got back from camp,the pobl Mas done.

    It was also time for esventh grade to etart(FUN). I'm still in seventh grade,obviously. This year, I won a district Plano compltition but didn't a win the stats competition.

    Ths highlight of ay life isn't exaetly writing this thing, but I think I'll remember most the two years that I lived in Vlentiene, Laos.

    They weren't exactly the most exciting and fun years of ay life, but certalntly the most memorable. I hope you enjoyed my trip around the world,it'e too bad you weren't there, but some people I wish were.