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The Cannuli Bros. sign in Philadelphia: WA2-2988 & WA5-4376

DSC00790_001.jpg DSC02541ThumbnailsMAin 4-0014. Staubitz Meat Market. 222 Court Street, Brooklyn.DSC02541ThumbnailsMAin 4-0014. Staubitz Meat Market. 222 Court Street, Brooklyn.DSC02541ThumbnailsMAin 4-0014. Staubitz Meat Market. 222 Court Street, Brooklyn.DSC02541ThumbnailsMAin 4-0014. Staubitz Meat Market. 222 Court Street, Brooklyn.

The Cannuli Bros. sign in Philadelphia has 2 Exchange Name Numbers. WA2-2988 & WA5-4376. I thought the WA probably meant something fairly generic, like WAshington. That would make sense since a Washington Avenue is nearby. On the other hand it it might actually stand for WAlnut, the name of another Philadelphia Street.