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Regent Sign Company. ALgonquin 4-9116.

DSC02513.JPG ALgonquin Telephone Exchange Sighting. Emil Talamini Real Estate.ThumbnailsPermacut Hair StylistsALgonquin Telephone Exchange Sighting. Emil Talamini Real Estate.ThumbnailsPermacut Hair StylistsALgonquin Telephone Exchange Sighting. Emil Talamini Real Estate.ThumbnailsPermacut Hair StylistsALgonquin Telephone Exchange Sighting. Emil Talamini Real Estate.ThumbnailsPermacut Hair Stylists

Bugs like this for the Regent Sign Company and other signage makers are among the most commonly seen Telephone Exchange Name Sightings. They are tucked in the corners of larger signs.