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WY phone exchange, midtown.

DSC06886_WY-PHONE-EXCHANGE.jpg TWining 8-7610. Acropolis Realty.ThumbnailsRAvenswood 8-3510. J. Sgroi & Sons.TWining 8-7610. Acropolis Realty.ThumbnailsRAvenswood 8-3510. J. Sgroi & Sons.TWining 8-7610. Acropolis Realty.ThumbnailsRAvenswood 8-3510. J. Sgroi & Sons.TWining 8-7610. Acropolis Realty.ThumbnailsRAvenswood 8-3510. J. Sgroi & Sons.

According to the Telephone Exchange Name Project the WY exchange seen here is either a no-name exchange or else WYoming or WYandotte, the latter of which was a Bronx telephone exchange.