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ALgonquin-4-2700, near Union Square

DSC09312-ALgonquin-4-2700.jpg UL-5-6463, Joe's SuperetteThumbnailsNAvarre-9-0400, Sign WorldUL-5-6463, Joe's SuperetteThumbnailsNAvarre-9-0400, Sign WorldUL-5-6463, Joe's SuperetteThumbnailsNAvarre-9-0400, Sign WorldUL-5-6463, Joe's SuperetteThumbnailsNAvarre-9-0400, Sign World

I have passed by this building over a hundred times, so I was chagrinned to pass by in mid-2010 and see this old ALgonquin telephone exchange name phone number sitting in plain sight on the side of this old building. I was relieved to find that my observations skills were not as poor as I thought. This old number was revealed after a demolition of a building next door.