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Sneedville, Tennessee. Summer, 2000.

DSCN0287.JPG Moon Pie. At the stime (Summer, 2000)  it was hard to find these outside of East Tennessee.ThumbnailsSneedville, Tennessee. Summer, 2000.Moon Pie. At the stime (Summer, 2000)  it was hard to find these outside of East Tennessee.ThumbnailsSneedville, Tennessee. Summer, 2000.Moon Pie. At the stime (Summer, 2000)  it was hard to find these outside of East Tennessee.ThumbnailsSneedville, Tennessee. Summer, 2000.Moon Pie. At the stime (Summer, 2000)  it was hard to find these outside of East Tennessee.ThumbnailsSneedville, Tennessee. Summer, 2000.