Trifling; vain; futile; insignificant.



I arrived at a shell of a thought last week.

The whiff of mortality crossed my palette.

The reality of this earthly vessel’s failure tickled the back of my mind while
thinking about baseball. Yes, baseball.

If we can accept and assume the use of steroids by a majority of players in the country’s only genuinely competitive baseball league then I think we can abandon our perceived indignities and look to the future of these things — a future where comparable drugs are not just undetectable but safe and legal. Players will hit hundreds of home runs per season and — without ever tiring — play baseball from sunrise to midnight 365 days a year. Professional athletes will not just live longer, they will live forever, and their secrets of immortality will eventually trickle down to commoners who choose immortality.

Not in this lifetime, not for this body, not for this person who finds that none of this life’s adventures or quotidian battles find comfort in knowing they will be extinguished when my earthly paces are finished.