I see a hive of hypesters swarming NYC’s Governors Island this weekend. Hypesters/Hipsters and News Corp. journalists in search of hot blog content from 2003 that is too old to be new and so must be a goddam revelation.

Is it like the “First Time Homeowner” thing? One can be a first-time homeowner after x number of years have passed since owning a home. Can content be “new” and hypable after a certain period of dormancy? What is the rule? *

Nevermind, don’t answer that. I can barely ppst text here these days since that faboo foldable keyboard assploded. Battery juice flooded the keys, flooded the hinges, rendered that piece-of-shit keyboard the same piece-of-shit vintage as every piece-of-shit heap of cheap plastic electronics upon which I build my empire of emptiness.

* 7 years is the MSM “statute of limitations”