another day at the content mine. not my content, alas, but that of others. the old magazines thing is back on my radar, sucking up my afternoons with scanning and editing. it‘s fun for me. i still can not seem to find my way with this project but i will arrive at something soone ror later. for now i just shovel content up to the Intertubes, gleaning occasional nuggets of insight as I go. the part of the magazines i have mostly skipped is the center pages, which is the music, each issue had a couple dozen pages of music, mostly solo piano music but sometimes vocal and violin music with piano accompaniment. i have mostly ignored that part of the magazines thus far but an idea of playing and recording some of th emusic, for to create an Etude Radio shoutcast stream, sounds like an interesting plan. the music is largely schlock, which is why i have mostly ignored it, but i also take a pass on that because os much of it is readily available in other reprints and online sources. but an actual audio stream for the site might draw some attention, and it migh tkeep me off the streets a little longer.

i got busted the other day by a cop. he asked me what was in the bag i had in my left hand. i walked over to his car and revealed a bottle of A1. “It‘s steak sauce,“ i announced. the policeman, who looked like he was about 17 years old, apologized and said it looked like an open container. i kinda hissed with laughter, and so did he. i was annoyed by it, and i walked the rest of the way home muttering “fuckin‘ rookies“ to my bad bad steaksauce-wielding self. it is not a cool thing to detain people indiscriminately like that, as anyone who saw me get called over by the cops is likely to think i was doing something wrong.

blahblahblah. tough life.

tomorrow is a rain day, and i look forward to getting back to my dictionary site. i need to regenerate the site with new tweaks. slap some ads on it, get rich. oh yeah. i tend to pace my work on the old magazines site according to sporting events. productive use of time spent following a baseball or football game. next season, though, i give up on baseball. professional baseball, at least. those players, those fucking coddled crybabies, just make way too much money for what they contribute to society, and they don‘t need my attentions. they don‘t need anyone‘s attnetions. the stadia should be empty for what it costs to be present at one of these events, prices far exceeding most Broadway shows and coming up far short on entertainment value in comparison. alas, until then, my frame of reference for certain types of work revolves around baseball. maybe next season i‘ll watch movies instead. follow a movie whilst scanning or doing other busy work. i‘ll get better culture into my system that way. slap some ads on that, too.

i gotta find new passive income streams. a surprising one arrived out of nowhere some months ago and has held true since, automagically zapping a chunk of money to my person every month. there may be another one, as my sister wants to buy out my half of the house we grew up in, and send me monthly payments. that‘d be cool, though i don‘t know yet if we‘re taling about $50 a month or $500. either way, i don‘t think i will have a problem with it. my name is presently on the paperwork fo rthe house as co-owner, but that is no important to me and i‘ll sign off of it if it is in my and our best interests (just wanted to see how many 2-letter words i could meaningfully string together. 7! yeah. slap an ad on it.


20 minutes later, had a conversation about real estate with a friend. i think i should buy, not for the investment but for the life, the statement of permanence. plenty of opportunity these days,and i have $50k i could sink into something.