I don’t understand who that happened. It was like a reign of terror. But this never happened. Well, it happened a year later. But it was like a reign of terror. I really had a good time out there. It was a good 2 days. Then one night… poor Kyle… I can’t believe it, I never met a biker. He’s like, he was devesated, retardedly weird sensitive guy. He’s a treasure. He’s cute. 29. He’s with this girl, like, 4 months and I’m like come on, what the hell, what the FUCK? 4 months… Where are the babies? I think he is gay. I think he wants a relationship so bad that he should be married by now but it isn’t my fault, they were breaking up when I met him so he gave her an ultimatum and she was like, OK… he was so burnt. We made out a few nights but he was like crying and shit, we slept together one night, it was out of stupid drunknness, then he stayed where I was staying but we slept in the bedrom of this other girl he was seeing and there were triangles all over. I backed down, didn’t hit nothing, all i saw was blood everywhere and i laughed so hard but then i panicked.