Yesterday’s reminiscences of the Pyramid Oracle drawing at the abandoned Juan Pachanga Discotheque served to remind me just how freakin’ noisy things are at that particular part of Queens Plaza. Even if construction was not going on (as it was today) this place is an aural hell hole of multiple subways screeching around a bend, blasting their mega-decibel horns into the the cacophony arising from vehicular traffic below.

Today’s noise sampling at Dutch Kills Green includes bonus racket of what is either a jackhammer or a chainsaw used in construction of the nearby Marriott. I might have stayed longer to record more but the cacophony and general environment of Dutch Kills Green was actually making me nauseous. I sat in a different spot from before. It was closer to the subway so maybe it is more prone to terrestrial rumbling than other parts of this small park. Whatever the case the noise and the way the trains made the ground vibrate were genuinely making me queasy. Listening to this playback is even having that effect.

I still can do better than this, I think, in capturing the experience of what should be a destination for any noise-loving New Yorker. I shall try again to better capture the force of the noise at this location, using a field recorder and ultra-sensitive nature microphone.

The flowers sure are pretty. I have no expertise in horticulture but MetLife appears to take good care of them.