Category: 181
Home. Place.
I am at home. I do not do much writing here anymore. After a few days away from the office, I let myself try to make this place feel like that word: Home. I don’t know if I can. This place, the space with its hunkering...
Read MoreWhat I Used To Do Try and Get Women in 2006. It Did Not Work.
I would make hours-long videos like this for women who said they loved piano music and wanted to hear/see me play. It had no real-world effect. The women watched the videos over and over but remained null and void, stayed home,...
Read MoreSuite Talk: Letterman Interviewing a Shopping Cart. A Tableau.
8am on John Street. It looks like Dave is interviewing a shopping cart and leading a lively...
Read MoreI Read About a Woman
who kissed her old man lover (thrice her age!) when she was 17. She wrote a book about it, made a...
Read MoreFilling up
The PBX encountered something I never thought it would. It filled to capacity with .wav files, every last one of them needless and superfluous since I eliminated the “glitch” that was not a glitch. Or did I eliminate...
Read MoreI Don’t Know What That Is.
I had a horrible Thursday. Something I ate was not good. Had to be some nasty Sweet Tarts candies, but not the usual kind. Some spinoff of the core product in a pill-like form. Had my stomach feeling like a knot, this days after...
Read MorePRAY? Is That You?
I’d never seen it on a sidewalk before. But yesterday, there it was. Or was it? Scraping...
Read MoreFeeling out of place
Yesterday, as with most days, I started writing a bit of whatever, some mental detritus from the pulpit of solitude, when somehow it all vanished. Several sentences of carefully planned, thought-out, pre-chewed then...
Read MoreWhat the hell is this?
I spotted this object outside a school. On account of its location I assumed it to be a table game or some sort of educational contraption. Reverse image search turned up a variety of table games. I don’t think this is a...
Read MoreRough Night
Dreams were rough and tumble. A homeless dude decided there was a lot of money in my bag and he wanted it. There was no money in my bag so instead he wanted my water. I carry an 8oz. bottle everywhere in case I need to take a...
Read MoreThree of us
Only two of us were in the bed. So I knew it could not be her standing over us, reaching down and grabbing our shoulders in repeated attempts to throw us out the door and into the neighbor’s back yard. I woke up, startled...
Read MorePorest FaRK
Getting my Forest Park video ready. It ended up being almost an hour. I have other videos from earlier. I don’t know why I went ahead with this one first but it’s not like I’m on any kind of deadline. As I...
Read MoreBaisley’s Pond
Just some pictures from Baisley Pond Park, or as it’s indicated on the park’s info...
Read MoreI Did Not Know It Rained
Rain from a few nights ago woke me up frequently. It was a lonely, loud night of waking up to a...
Read MoreMy Sunday PM. Everything is Good. Contributing to the Internet’s Data Dungeon of Seemingly Useless Information Which is Not Actually So Useless.
Payphones Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center Kalakaua Ave. Waikiki (808) 922-9397 (808) 922-9398 (808) 922-9399 (808) 922-9859 (808) 922-9376 (808) 922-9372 (808) 922-9371 (808) 922-9352 (808) 922-9065 (808) 922-9894 (808) 922-9389...
Read MorePeople Talk
I think it’s food. All anyone talks about is food. Indirectly, when discussing the nuclear...
Read MoreSomethingness
When one of the people who usually sits near me did not show up for a couple of days I’d assumed he was fired. That’s how it goes here. Nice guy, mild-mannered, here one day, gone the next. Turns out he was not...
Read MoreJune 25, 2023. 24 Hours of Queens Webcam
I’m posting stuff like this with the hope of encouraging others with access to 24-hour video...
Read More2014’s 9/11 Spike Was Weird
This bar graph showing the spike in web traffic one of my sites got on September 11 and September 12, 2014 somewhat eerily evokes the profile of the old Twin Towers.
Read MoreSunday Sunday
What is Sunday to me now? Now compared to past iterations, past experiences. It had always been a day of melancholy, and dispute. Dispute with myself, argument, determination of goals versus inevitable journeys. I had no goals,...
Read MoreWhen 55 feels colder than 55
I read something about brown blood versus blue blood. I’m too wired to look it up but it...
Read MoreDentist insisted I sit. I did. Tense. Indeed, tense…
It wasn’t really tense. That’s just a poem I wrote using only the letters of the word “dentist.” I think I left some of it out. The dentist visit was tense in those moments when the drill and its noise,...
Read MoreOn the phone
I ended up with three days straight not at the job. I felt unmoored and directionless, as i the...
Read MorePayphone Radio
Listening in at 2am. This is different. Unusual radio. Sprawls out mentallistically.
Read MoreToday’s AI Disinformation: Let’s Rewrite the History of Old Calvary
What are some notable incidents that occurred at Old Calvary Cemetery in Queens, New York City?...
Read MoreFlashback: The Bobby Pages. Roosevelt Island Bridge. March, 2007.
This slideshow requires...
Read MoreAn Abruption
I used to make up words like this. I still do but not for anyone else’s bemusement. I used...
Read MoreFelt good yesterday
I had to take a day off Thursday which was a day of near-misery, near-emergency-department,...
Read MoreInteresting Day Near Death It Seemed At Times.
messed up on the pills, but I also messed up on the woman. Just a cruel, brutal encounter, for no...
Read MoreI Thought This Would Be Fun. It Was Bothersome.
I was actually starting to have some confidence in the newest version of ChatGPT. I thought asking it to write a poem in the style of Markovian Parallax Denigrate, the gibberish-spewing Usenet mystery from the 1990s, would be a...
Read MoreOn the RFK Bridge
I went up on the bridge yesterday. The RFK Bridge, sometimes still referred to by its old name,...
Read More24 Hours of Astoria Queens Webcam
It started to seem I’d be unable to actually do this. YouTube no longer allows uploads of...
Read MoreNot for Nostalgia…
…but I ended up on the Upper West Side today, in search of nothing specific, although I guess it was pretty specific, but not worth describing. Out of habit I revisited my old stomping grounds, including the enshrined,...
Read MoreShady Looking School Bus
Spotted this while tooling around on Streetview, comparing it to CycloMedia. I don’t have kids but if I did I wouldn’t want them riding this strange looking beast.
Read MoreLooking into the past
On rain days like today, when it’s just barely raining, I remove my glasses and stuff them into a pocket, or someplace where they won’t collect the litter-like detritus of the gleeky rain. I am always surprised at...
Read MoreTrying something new
For years too many I relied on posting to this website from the .MOBI principle. Everything was posted from someplace other than the home PC. Well, almost everything. My old .MOBI was my favorite website I ever put together. It...
Read MoreStill waiting for the rain. January 22, 2023
Another rain day. Maybe not a bad thing. I will have to exit the property for beer and rations, but otherwise this could be another day in which I do not leave the apartment ever, not once. Save that little bit of wear and tear...
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Dungeon-Like Bathroom at the End of the Road. Bay Ridge, Bk. It’s Been a Life-Saver, or Something Like It.
I know life-long Bay Ridgians who had no idea this bathroom at the end of their neighborhood...
Read MoreUnisphere at 33rd Street/Rawson 7 Train Station
I’d certainly seen this before but it never registered like it did this day. Nice to see the...
Read MoreSmall Things Move
The passage of my feet over a small piece of rug in the bathroom causes the rug to move a fraction of an inch with every contact. I do not aggressively move the piece of material. I don’t consider it, not much at least,...
Read MoreFound Hell On Earth For Rats in Bellerose (Gross)
I originally posted this to YouTube but decided it was not appropriate for that platform. Nobody complained, exactly. I mean, no one reported it for being disgusting. But one comment was enough to make me decide it was better...
Read MoreName the Author.
I did, but you will probably need to click through to the full-size version to get enough...
Read More988: Don’t Do It.
No thanks. The last time I called the suicide hotline I ended up naked on the cold concrete floor of a holding cell and fined $274. Because feeling hopeless is criminal in Texas. So same shit, different phone number? I'll...
Read MoreI Was This Kid and, To a Lesser Extent, I Still Am
I am a pain in the ass to sleep with. A face-grabber, your-body-is-my-pillow, through my rigor-mortis throat I hurl incoherent mad-house references to beehives and juicy-juice gone stale. Why are you so tired this morning ? 😂...
Read MoreBeethoven Meets Stravinsky?
This is strange, but what else should one expect of experimental AI technology that feigns...
Read MoreYou can have 19 Twitter followers and still be New Yorker’s “Talk of the Town”
You can have 19 Twitter followers and still be New Yorker’s “Talk of the Town”. — sorabji (@sorabji) June 15, 2022
Read MoreTrying to be a Source. Failing.
July 12 2016 Peter – This might not get to you before you head out for vacation, but I just passed the stretch of 13th Street that we talked about earlier, with all the abandoned cars. A few new strange twists since the...
Read MoreDetex Watchman’s Station
Adding to my glacially-expanding collection of Detex Stations spotted in the wild, I found this...
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