Starting to think the guys at CBS are relying a little too heavily on my expertise regarding phone booths. I am not certain on this but the conventional wisdom that the first outdoor fully enclosed booth was erected in Cincinnati in 1905 might not be true. I think it was an unenclosed device, of a style similar to the red emergency call boxes seen around NYC today. The Cincinnati phone is often referred to as a “booth” but I think people use the term generically. It’s been months in the works, this segment, and I’ve already lost track of half the shit I said at the interview. I wanted to mention the so-called Obamaphone, which is considered the real culprit in killing off what’s left of the payphone business. Those are phones given to the poor, who represent the last captive customer base of the payphone business.

I seem to have restored my health insurance, after a half hour call with someone at the Exchange. I do not understand how so many miscues and misinformed communications got through. The first thing said, clearly, that the deadline to renew was November 15, and that my failure to renew by that time made me ineligible. Today I was told that November 15 was actually the first day when I could renew. So why did I get such contradictory messages? I should wait to see if the coverage really is renewed but I don’t know why it wouldn’t be at this point. I felt like I was drowning when I talked to these people. Not so much at the Exchange but I tried calling MetroPlus first. They laughed at the conversation I said I had with the Exchange, in which the guy said that yes, you will lose coverage because of the web site malfunction. MetroPlus connected me, for some reason, the the Human Resources Department for the City of New York. I have no idea why, but she might have thought she was sending me to the Exchange.

I’ve had mad anxiety of late, and finally took a Lorazepam. I am thinking this might be a turning point for me. Now that I am not trying to impress a beautiful woman by keeping up with her drinking I can give myself a break. Love that logic. I do, genuinely, want to stop drinking, and I will. With a Lorazepam in me I’m off the sauce for a while, but I cannot keep treating that stuff like aspirin, or something that I take just to get rid sky-high blood pressure or whatever. It’s not the sort of stuff you are supposed to go back and forth with. Although I think it had been at least a few months since the last time I used it. I ate almost nothing yesterday, and forced myself to eat a sandwich today. Time to stock up on the Seltzer and limes. Seltzer and lime is a favorite concoction.

I feel utterly pointless today, but I was up before 10 so maybe that’s a start toward normalcy. My surprise cash windfall comes in a couple of weeks. So nothing to worry about there for the next several months. Should really do more with my talents, though. Laziness is my curse.

At a Starbucks because all the seats were taken at the ghetto coffee shop. I often see people I know pass through here but not this day. Going home to create what wondrous things I do not know as of yet.