It is interesting to me to notice how often people say things about me and themselves that are not true. While what I guess you could call reminiscing with an ex-girlfriend about our time together many many years ago she said something about how she remembered what a fabulous cook I was, and how creative I was in the kitchen. I have never demonstrated any kind of kitchen skills with much of any woman I’ve ever been with. That’s not because I’m chauvinist, it’s because I don’t do those things very well and because DINNER MATTERS. Me attempting to be a chef all of a sudden sounds riskier than just hitting GrubHub.

But there she was, reminiscing about things that never happened. Did either of us even have a kitchen? I don’t think we did. (UPDATE: April 15 2018: I have no idea what that last sentence means.)

In another instance someone asked me if the room was too cold, or too hot. The room seemed room temperature to me, and thus I had no opinion about it. To this she responded that she remembered how I am more accepting of cold temperatures than most people. I don’t remember ever telling her any such thing, nor could I remember ever having reason to communicate one way or the other about whether I had feelings about cold versus warm rooms. But she stated it as fact, that I was some kind of polar bear.

I guess we all do these things, for good or bad, or for no impact whatsoever. It’s not quite fantasy, is it, for someone to say I was some kind of ace in the kitchen with a woman I respect but who I barely remember being with over a decade ago.