The photo below is not of the rogue payphone from which the above call was made, though the rogue did have an identical sticker affixed to it. I don’t know who is responsible for this little graffiti campaign but I concur with it in spirit, if not literally. There should be a quantity of payphones that the public can turn to in emergencies and which they can expect to work. I don’t know if New York needs more of these things but the wholesale routing of these devices is an obvious public safety hazard. Transcript of the call is below.

We Need More Pay Phones

We Need More Pay Phones

Well I’m impressed. The Rogue Payphone still works. I haven’t been up in here in probably a couple of months. It’s 54th Street/Broadway and Northern. Three-way intersection. More like a four-way intersection, actually.

I slept ’til 1:30 and I don’t even feel bad about it. I don’t feel anything anymore.

I started writing and I’m making text to speech notes for the story that I need to finish. But… there’s really no rush but I do want to get it done and as often happens the story feels better in my mind than it ends up being on paper. I gotta do an outline, or something more organized.

I did a lot of extra research and found that I didn’t really need to do that. I just gotta focus on three products. And the 2001 A Space Odyssey hook is going to be a keeper.

So… I’m just out walking a little bit before settling down for the night. I… think I have a date for tomorrow. We’ll see if she shows up.