The trip to the DMV did not start out well. I checked the website to be sure what forms of ID I would need to get the EDL (Enhanced Drivers License). Then I looked for DMV locations aside from the ones I know on 30th and 31st Streets in Manhattan. Here is what the DMV website gave me when I typed in my zip code and hit enter:

DMV Website Barf

DMV Website Barf

I was going to write a detailed account of my observations at the DMV, but I think I will let it go. The people were surprisingly nice, in sharp contrast to almost any other time I have interacted with that agency. Maybe the social media reviews caught up to them? I first hit up the License Express place on 31st Street, but gave up when I overheard someone say she had been there for 2½ hours. It’s not like I have anything else I need to do but the Express place is small and was crowded as hell, with not a single seat available. The prospect of standing in there for hours was enough to send me over to the other location on 30th Street, which is considerably bigger. Seats aplenty! That is all.