I was not looking for it, not even thinking about it, but during a recent use of a LinkNYC kiosk I found, once again, that the path to porn is still there, still possible. It was not shockingly easy to figure out, and I emphasize that I was not looking for it. I just kind of wandered into it. But it is there. I did not quite get to boobies but I will the next time I go out. It demonstrates, once again, what a half-assed and lightly-tested product these LinkNYC kiosks are.

Anyone who pays attention to LinkNYC knows that its reputation will be forever be tainted by its associations with encampments of pornography. Let that reputation be rekindled!

I was going to go public with this but I think I’ll wait. I’m going to put together videos and such, then wait a few weeks to demonstrate. It’s just so funny to me, I was laughing out loud. Just thought I’d share. I know it’s kind of pathetic but I just don’t think this company, given its municipal privilege and wholly unproven track record in making our city “Smart” should be able to get away with leaving these vulnerabilities open. I’m not some kind of geeky pervert, it’s just that porn is exactly the kind of content to highlight what a shallowly thought out product this is.