- ORegon-9-6060
In the past you might call ORegon-9-6060 if you were interested in living at this apartment building on 39th Street and Third Avenue. Today the same number -- (212) 679-6060, in modern notation -- belongs to Fight For Sight. I wonder if Fight for Sight is aware that a primitive version of its phone number is barely seen on the side of this apartment building. - Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- FAirbanks 4-5000. Gun Hill Fence Company.
- FAirbanks 4-5000. Gun Hill Fence Company.
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Permacut Hair Stylists
Permacut Hair Stylists on East 14th Street shows its roots (hair pun intended) with this ORegon exchange name on its sign. ORegon.3-4786 in modern parlance would be (212) 673-4786 - Regent Sign Company. ALgonquin 4-9116.
Bugs like this for the Regent Sign Company and other signage makers are among the most commonly seen Telephone Exchange Name Sightings. They are tucked in the corners of larger signs. - ALgonquin Telephone Exchange Sighting. Emil Talamini Real Estate.
Emil Talamini Real Estate used to be at 450 Sixth Avenue. Their phone number was ALgonquin 4-1817. - Higdon Elevator Company
I am not certain what the TO stands for in this old phone number. A cursory web search shows a Higdon elevator company that was recently based in Hackensack, NJ. If the company was always based in New Jersey then the TO might have stood for TOms River, though that seems like a long shot. If Higdon was based in the 5 boroughs of NYC then TO might have stood for either TOmpkins, TOmpkins Square, or TOttenville. - STillwell 4-4100. Beardslee Transmission.
I spotted a STillwell Exchange name at Beardslee Transmission in Long Island City. Months later I noticed this second STillwell phone number on another side of the building.