This booklet was found among my father's effects, from his second tour of duty in Laos (1974-1976). What starts out sounding like a sing-song common sense list of how to prepare for emergencies segues into a series of disjointedly apocalyptic scenarios that somehow come back to Noah's ark. Most intriguing to me is the existence of JANO, the Joint Alert Notification Net, which broadcast emergency alerts over CB radio and walkie-talkies. I don't remember us ever having CB radio or walkie-talkies, though my instincts favor that we probably had the latter.
This was not a classified document, though my father was expected to return it to authorities at the end of his tour. He obviously never did or I wouldn't have it. At first glance of the cover I thought this was a book of poetry. In a strange way it is. Images were converted to text using ABBYY Finereader.
This was not a classified document, though my father was expected to return it to authorities at the end of his tour. He obviously never did or I wouldn't have it. At first glance of the cover I thought this was a book of poetry. In a strange way it is. Images were converted to text using ABBYY Finereader.

- bend-with-the-wind- - 0001
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0003
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0005
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0006
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0007
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0008
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0009
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0010
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0011
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0012
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0013
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0014
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0015
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0016
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0017
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0018
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0019
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0020
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0021
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0022
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0023
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0024
- bend-with-the-wind- - 0025