Creating panoramic photos from digital images used to be a matter of taking several pictures, then stitching them together with photo stitching software. Nowadays the feature is built in to even the cheapest point and shoot digital cameras.

- Randall's Island
- Triborough Bridge, from Randall's Island
- Randall's Island
- Astoria Park
- Astoria Pool
- Astoria Pool
- Triborough Bridge
- Calvary
- Calvary
- Calvary
- Calvary
- Alsop Family Cemetery, Calvary
- Alsop Family Cemetery, Calvary
- Calvary
- Calvary
- Central Park
- Central Park, Reservoir
- Central Park, Reservoir
- Hell Gate
- Rainey Park
- Rainey Park
- Randall's Island
- Socrates Sculpture Park
- Yankee Stadium