- CLoverdale-1-1086. Armor Fence.
Seen in Brooklyn. January 30, 2024.
- Barbed Wire Fence in a Busted Mirror DSC08750
- EVergreen 4-4978
- Astoria Beer Depot DSC08335
- Red Sandles with Toe Imprints DSC08327
- King Tut on Steinway Street DSC08227
- Walking Shoes DSC08191
- Checks Cashed DSC08155
- Dulce Cultura NYC DSC08098
- ERG DSC08069
- Holiday Lights Over Steinway Street DSC08050 001
- Parking Lot Lights DSC07996
- Twin Towers DSC07823
- Araund and Araund DSC07769
- Astoria World Manor DSC07733
- Face Replace DSC07715
- Red Glove DSC07663
- Flatbush Avenue Extension DSC07639
- Office Chair in Gowanus DSC07603
- Streetlight Reflected in Rainwater DSC07561
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- Pandemic Hair, 2020-2021
- MUrray Hill 7-2655. Abramson Brothers Incorporated.
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- View from The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Emergency Call Box at The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Empire State Building, seen from The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Man walking on a roof across The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Sinus incident at The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Empty tables at The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- View from The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Texting at The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Texting at The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- View from The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- View from The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- Carson, by Tomoaki Suzuki. The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- The High Line, Chelsea, NYC
- I don't know what this is/was
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Skylark at the cemetery
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Curbside
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Chevrolet Nova in Astoria
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Fiat Alfa Romeo Spider 2.0
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- I don't know what this is/was, in Greenpoint.
- I'm not sure what this is, in Greenpoint
- Plymouth Barracuda in Greenpoint
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Curbside
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Neil H. McInnes Iron Works. STillwell 4-6162
The Neil H. McInnes Iron Works company, formerly at 38-50 Review Avenue near Calvary Cemetery, is long gone. The company's name and old telephone exchange phone number -- STillwell 4-6162 -- is still seen in this medallion on a Long Island City Sidewalk. - Infiniti in L.I.C.
- Valiant in Astoria
- EVergreen? EMpire?
The top of this medallion on a sidewalk door looks like it starts with an E, and ends with 978. If it is a telephone exchange name then it might be an EVergreen, or an EMpire, or it might be neither and nor. - Volkswagen (with "Antique Vehicle" plates)
- AStoria 8-0733. Florida Signs L.I. City
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- TRafalgar 5-6400. Boro Sign.
- Magnasign. BAinbridge 9-4088.
I do not know where Magnasign of N.Y. Inc. was based, but it was probably the Bronx, where the BA in their phone number stood for BAinbridge. - CHelsea 2-3033. Avignone Pharmacy.
- Regent Sign Company
- WOrth 6-5758. A&A Coffee Shop/Porto Rico Importing Company
I happened to spot A&A Coffee (a.k.a. the Porto Rico Importing Company) on Thompson Street, and not only do I love their sign with its old school phone number (I said so to the cashier) but I also think the coffee was first-rate. I do not know how long this exact location has been a coffee shop but I could see how it would have been in business a long time, surviving against a Starbucks on every corner and other corporate manifestations of the timeless beverage. The place reminded me of the old Siberia Bar, which used to be inside a midtown subway station. According to the Telephone Exchange Name Project, the WO in A&A's old phone number probably stood for WOrth, but in these modern times the WO.6-5758 phone exchange number would be 212-966-5758. - Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- Discarded Umbrella Carcasses, NYC
- ESplanade 5-4670. Rotary dial phone at a 2nd-hand shop
- NIghtingale 9-3839. Michael Cerverizzo & Sons.
- EVergreen 8-7068. W.H. Christian & Sons, Greenpoint
- STillwell 4-4100. Beardslee Transmission.
- WAlker 5-2985. John De Lorenzo & Bro.
- Outside a 99¢ Shop
- With the Trash Bags
- On a Sidewalk
- Arete Restaurant
- Sunnyside Center Cinemas
- Dime Savings Bank of Williamsburgh
- Bill's Wines & Liquors. Lowest Prices Permitted By Law.
- dollsandreams
- Templo Cristiano "Bethel"
- La Hermosa Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- Lincoln Correctional Facility
- Park View Hotel
- U.S. Grocery Beer Sale
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.
- Forest Park. Forest Hills, Queens, NYC.