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- Rotary Dial Phone Booth
This is one of three rotary dial phone booths that stood in the lobby of the Parc Lincoln. I made some important contacts through these phones, including job-related connections and calls to talk radio shows. Today the space once occupied by this and the other booths appears to be taken by a wine cabinet at 'Cesca restaurant. - Closet
I remember thinking this closet space was quite luxurious. - Room 317
The open window was a gateway for pigeons and other living things to invade my space. - Looking up from Room 317
This is the space between the Parc Lincoln and adjacent buildings. Once in a while I would hear the whistling sound of garbage bags discarded by Parc Lincolnians on the higher floors. - Entertainment Center
- Entertainment Center
- View From the Fire Escape
- Parc Lincoln, 3rd Floor Hallway
- Birdpoop Outside Room 317
Normally this rooftop outside my window was littered with garbage bags and loose trash thrown out the windows of the higher floors of the Parc Lincoln. On this day it was just the normal birdpoop. - Looking Up
- Welcome to Room 317
I moved to Room 317 after a few weeks in Room 1422. - Room 317, Parc Lincoln
- Row of Rotary Dial Phone Booths
- Room 314
The door to this room was almost always propped open. A woman who lived inside talked, seemingly into thin air, continuously. I made a cassette tape recording of her once, but I seem to have lost it. - Room 317
- Room 317
I guess I imagined that Room 317 was my starting point for world travel. I don't know why else I would put that map of the world on the wall. - Intercom and Door Locks
The door was not very secure. One night I was woken up by the sound of someone shaking the door and trying to turn the doorknob. After a few moments of thinking I was about to be invaded I looked through the spy hole and saw an elderly woman, gritting her teeth and expressing confusion as to why she couldn't open the damn door. She had apprently gotten off the elevator on the wrong floor, and though she was at room 417. I pounded on the door to let her know someone was inside. With that she seemed to realize she was at the wrong place, and she returned to the elevator to go to the right floor. A few minutes later I had her someone that I assume was her walking around in the room directly upstairs from me. - Room 317