Excrements; as, the dejecta of the sick.



One of the foulest images I ever saw on television came from the seemingly family-friendly program "America’s Funniest Home Videos," as the show was called before being renamed "America’s Funniest Videos," or "AFV."

I have not watched "AFV" since seeing this video, so my memory of the details may not be exact, but it went something like this: A crane or some sort of construction device was shown lifting objects near a Port-O-Let. The portable toilet was positioned on a raised piece of land, near a sharp drop of maybe 5 feet.

The crane inadvertently swung at the toilet, knocking it over and causing it to tumble off the edge of the hill. This caused the door to the portable toilet to pop open, revealing a well-dressed man with his pants down attempting to relieve himself. He fell forward and the portable toilet fell behind him, tipping over as its load of raw sewage poured out. The man was soaked in raw sewage.

And there the video ends. I have never been so ill from a television video. My head was swimming with nausea and revulsion, imagining what that might have felt like, how rank it must have smelled to be doused in the shit and piss of several other humans.

"AFV" had disgusted me before, but in reasonably acceptable ways involving the snot and vomit of babies, infants, and animals. But I had never seen anything like a man drowned in raw human waste matter.