To tread on; to trample under foot.

The word "conculcate" came to me in a dream one night. It was as if the dream had a title, or a subject line, and that line was "Conculcate." In the dream I was near the lake across the street from the house I grew up in. I was about 10 in the dream, which occured when I was 16 or 17. Unlike today there were few houses built on the lake when I was 10, and that is how the lake looked in the dream. Some unknown beast lurking in the bushes chased me, reaching high speeds and trampling me as it revelaed itself to be an enormously huge animal with numerous extremities. In the way that titles and subject lines sometimes follow your travels through a story or other written material I found myself almost chanting the word "conculcate" as the mystery beast trampled me. I do not know if "conculcate" was on some school vocabulary list at the time or where I learned the word but I have never had reason to use it, and the only appearance it has ever made in my life as far as I can recall was that teenage dream.