every piece of technology with which i interacted today failed. i tried to deactivate facebook for a few weeks. i’ve done this before. it’s no big deal, though when i do it people act like i died or “went away for a while” (meaning went to jail). i did everything right, the process is not complicated, i’ve done it before, but when i clicked the final “Confirm” button to fully deactivate — nothing happened. nothing. No error message, no e-mail, no request to re-enter information. Just, nothing. I tried again, same thing. And the last things you have to do when you deactivate are enter your password and then type in a couple of squiggly captcha words. Do you know how aggravating it is to type and retype and reretype a series of those barely distinguishable curvy tendrils of text? so i tried again the next day, still no joy, still no way to deactivate, all in all a very very annoying “feature” of facebook. and then i tried to take a turn in a game i play over the Android device thingie i have, but the phone got locked on the Android logo — it didn’t even re-set, it just got stuck on some endless loop of uselessness — so i reset the gadget and tried again but got the notice that there was no network connectivity. i wept. then i tried to sync music on to my new iPod. that didn’t work and i have no idea why, though it might be on account of using WinAmp and not the sacred itunes, though i had no problems using winamp with an earlier ipod. and then a bunch of crap on my web sites failed, mostly with no explanation or possibility of debugigng info being recoverable. and then i tried posting some content to a new site i set up but that failed every which way, crashing the web browser 6 times and leading me to conclude that the new web site and the underlying products are all piles of shit, as is most technology, most software, most perpetual-expense-inducing gadgetry of presumed obsolescence. oh and i ordered a bluetooth mouse for the new laptop (which was causing me some heartburn today as well) and i know it will be
a piece of shit because bluetooth is a piece of shit, but i want to try it anyway since it would save me not only a cable but a usb port as well.
yes yes yes, life is fascinating.
i write a lot of poetry these days, all of it bad, but tonight i can’t even see straight through the residue of the day’s aggravations. it’s like a glassy milk.