I was comparing my mental state thesse days compared to just over a year ago. Actually it’s been a year and 3 months since I switched departments. That span of time has not been without its incidents but I have no doubt I’m in a far better place today than I was before, however dark things get from one day to the next. But I’m not rattling and shaking or having near seizures, and this is partly on account of the work environment in the new department but it is also, I sorta hate to concede, on account of the pills. I’m toked up like never before. Today I took an unusual step of popping a couple of smaller pieces of pills I’d broken up into pieces. They were expired since June, although I don’t think anyone in the profession really knows when certain pills really expire. They just give an arbitrary date of one year after the pills were dispensed, with no context of how long it had been since they were manufactured and had sat in the distribution pipeline. I also recently noticed that the instructions say not to break the pills into pieces. My PCP who first prescribed the Lorazapam indicated this was a perfectly reasonable thing to do if it made the supply last longer and kept me from standing in the infernal line at the pharmacy.

I slept well enough last night after a fearsomely crappy day languishing in the aftersplat of poor sleep hygiene. Tomorrow is a free day and I might make a trek to Rosedale just to see certain curios for myself. I found a street yesterday where the buildings have non-hyphenated building numbers. There are any number of older buildings that still have old addresses from before Queens wen mostly hyphenated. But those buildings use modern addresses for delivery and whatnot. The old numbers simply remain present as a sort of museum piece. But this street in Rosedale seemed different. The buildings do not look that old and I found no evidence that modern addresses were in use.

The Queens street grid is filled with these intriguing little idiosyncracies. I’ve always thought it odd that certain buidings are assigned the number “00”. 32-00 Honeywell Street is one. Given the two-step formatting of building addresses I guess it sorta kinda works, but imagine living at “0 Riverside Drive.” Not very prestigious sounding. 

I can be a bit of a street grid geek but I’m sure there are others more absorbed in the vagaries, like DOT workers or cops who have to have their area’s streets memorized. In Astoria I always forget there is a 29th Avenue, but 33rd Avenue (which lifelong Astorians would insist does not exist) is always on my radar since it’s near where I used to park my car and where a woman with whom I have a unique connection lives with her family. She sees me once in a while and plays a good poker face but I know she recognizes me. She was partly a target of the LinkNYC/Mr. Softee debacle a few years ago and we randomly ended up on national television in the same news segment, but we never met or had any interaction. Across the street from her lives, or at least used to live a woman I knew from a brief stint working for the Census. That was a job so fully unsuited to me I cannot believe I followed through with it until I remember that the only reason I did it was to make friends in the neighborhood. The gig was a complete failure on that basis, but one woman on 33rd Avenue at least was nice to me for a day or two. That, in my experiences from recent years, is unusual. I don’t know if she is still in the area, she sounded transient. Short Chinese woman with Army training in tactical warfare.

I shit well today. I shat well yesterday. Shit/shat/shart/shot. Shit your shot. I also recovered a collection of porn I thought was lost, which was a relief. I wonder what happened to my uploads at archive.org. I had to stop uploading because they throttled upload speeds to where it would take days to upload a single video. It didn’t matter if I used a VPN or Tor or whatever. Uploads to archive.org became uselessly slow for me and no one could find a solution.

The site got hacked, twice, in the last couple of weeks, is why I’m imagining my uploads might have been destroyed.

Okay, a quick tour of my Archive.org URLs shows that some stuff appears to be there but is not. I shan’t complain. I would have always preferred to build my own version of archive.org, anyway. It looks like the Wayback Machine is functioning again but other archives are a mess.