Was a panicking again? Or no? Did I just imagine it, manufavture it, summon it from the contrives of unspoken inarticulata? I find it hard to balance evaluations of how things are feeling inside my head. I am mostly deaf and this head is roraing with Tinnitus. Hearing is improving, at least I think it is, but proper application of these Otic hydrogen peroxide ear drops is not realistic at the workplace. Nowhere to lie down, needless to say. No sick time left but I’m not so sick I can’t do the job. Oh great, another single-tone hissing in ny head, like my head is a radio transceiver. THis is a great sandwich, though. I went out of my yesterday to procure 3 days’ worth, leaving an option for something else on the 4th day. I feel fine now but hope it was not strictly the pill that got me here. THis is why I like to stay ahead on prescriptions for this stuff. Never know when you might need/want an extra hit to calm you down.

I was remembering a strange encounter, a bit of Kismet, that occurred some years ago. I had just met a guy at a bar I used to go to. I don’t go to bars anymore but for some years I did and I made some interesting connections, as well as some not so interesting ones. This dude had just omved to NYC from a remote part of Texas. He had worked at a store that sold truck parts and supplies ti truckers who rolled through the area. The shop was known as an oasis of sorts for truckers, who routinely stopped in whether they needed to or not. It was teh only shop of its kind for hundreds of miles so it was a destination.

When he described this place I commented how I had built a website for a certain truck parts producer and distributor. He was familiar with the site and went on to describe a particular calculator that website had that let you do an ROI comparison when buying LED lights over the older incandescent.

I was in a bit of desbelief. I wrote that calculator and, as the webmaster behind the site, I had access to traffic reports. These reports indicated that there was basically one person in the entirel world who used that thing. THere was me, using it to be sure it worked. There were a couple of guys at the company that paid me to create this calculator who also checked on it once in a while. But other than that there was just one person who would use the calculator 3 or 4 times a week, and he was in central Texas.

As he described the calculator and how useful it was for him I said “So you were the one? You were the only person in the world using that thing?” I couldn’t believe the odds of the two of us crossing paths like this. I still can’t believe it.