…but then really they do not. Much of the industry put toward making things simple has the opposite effect. I keep having premonitions about our world without an Internet. We will one day look back at this technological colossus as one of the great wonders of the world, one which fabricated realities and seemingly connected most parts of the globe, but which inevitably collapsed on account of its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Criminals and governments will not bring it down. They need the internet too much to destroy it. Nihilists and anarchists will lead the charge, destroying all through childishly simple techniques. I imagine the Internet unleashing a plague, if it hasn’t done so already. So much code on which livelihoods (and even lives) depend is written with dangerous vulnerabilities and maddeningly incoherent documentation. Learning new things these past weeks, taking on a publishing system I long avoided and outlining plans for offline projects that will bring me little notoriety and nothing of anything else. 181.sorabji.com is the new URL for this sort of rambling, moving away at last from /1 URL I once thought clever but quickly found bothersome. 181 is my magic number. It features in any number of coïncidences and portents both amusing and real.