27th Street near 39th Avenue in Dutch Kills is now the scene of this bizarre monstrosity: the Boro Hotel. I thought all the metal railings were some kind of scaffolding that would come off eventually. Nope. This jungle-gym façade is here to stay.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

It’s interesting how pencil skyscrapers like 432 Park are erected virtually overnight while relatively modest buildings like this take years to complete. It has been in the works since early 2009, and appears to be almost ready for business.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

Useless anecdote: I don’t remember what television show it was but I saw that some police/crime type series filmed a scene from one episode in the basement of this building while it was under construction.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

The balconies are enclosed in metal wire fencing that looks like a cage.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

It’s not even open yet and the building is already showing signs of wear.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

Seen from Crescent Street the hulking structure looks like some kind of industrial compound.

Boro Hotel

Boro Hotel

I took a few pictures months ago, when the metal railing façade was just taking shape. I will add it to this post if I can find it. I really did think the rails were scaffolding that would come off eventually. Thanks to the Queens Crap blog for the shoutout.