I don’t know how many hundreds of miles I’ve walked in these suckas, but they are finally starting to fall apart. These Teva Men’s Dozer IIIs have been good to me, stomping through cemeteries, highways and byways, other cities, and cathartic walks of double digit miles. An earlier pair of Teva’s gave out a lot quicker than these. I don’t remember what prompted this but one day I looked at the bottoms of those shoes and found that they were gone. The bottoms, that is. The tops looked normal, so I was able to sustain the appearance of being adequately dressed in public. It reminded me of Connie Chung’s story about getting her dress caught in a bathroom door and, unable to get it unraveled before the end of a commercial break, she just left it there. She did the rest of the newscast in her panties, her viewers none the wiser.
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