My accountant has a strange habit of saying something like “How many times have I told you…” followed by something that he has never told me before. This time it involved IRA contributions. It turns out that you are not allowed to make IRA contributions if you are poor. If you do make IRA contributions in a year where you make less than a certain amount you get penalized. How stupid is that? Now I have to see if I can get last year’s contributions refunded without penalty. I wonder if this is even true or if he’s thinking of Roth IRA rules or if he’s altogether on crack.

This was a dumb day. Got up early, felt good, then just kinda sat and stared at things. Accountant says I’ll get a shit ton of cash back. Can’t wait to spend that on… rent and food. Was thinking of a trip to Houston, the country’s #2 payphone city. But then I think I should spend money on nobler things. Like nothing.

Next shrink appt. is Thursday. I did all the talking last week. I wonder what she was thinking. Besides being nice and funny I don’t have much else to expect after the first meeting.

It is the next day.

Read a very interesting story about MaxMind, a company that attempts to map IP addresses to geographical regions. They warn you all over the place not to use this data for precise locations but that is exactly what a lot of people did, and it turned the lives of some people in a remote Kansas town into what sounds like a living hell. Really interesting story about data quality and people’s reliance on bad or even patently bogus information.

Weirdly, though, my FiOS IP address maps to my street address precisely. Right down to the front door of the building. Only thing missing is the apartment number, which I guess provides some level of obfuscation should I ever land on a Russian mob web site. I don’t especially care but I might think about getting an anonymizer just to avoid troubles with accidentally being tricked into a clickbait trap.

Feeling sick today. Walked to midtown but took subway back when my 20+ year old leather backpack snapped off one of its pieces, and then nearly snapped off another. The thing just became too unwieldy to carry so I did not walk back as planned.

At the ghetto coffee shop. Just feeling blah. Was up before 9…