The recording was interesting to me because I used only the Galaxy Note 5 and a voice recording app with no additional mic like I sometimes use.

Just some rambles as I walked to the St. Joseph’s Mausoleum at St. Michael’s Cemetery. There is a second half to this that I have not played back yet. I have produced oceans of sound that I will probably never play back or even remember. Much of that sound is me talking and every last second of it is sure to be an endless fascination for someone in time.

I mentioned in here that I once heard someone say that a Parkway, such as the Grand Central, is so called because it leads to a park. It’s not necessarily because the road has more trees or foliage than non parkways, although it might. The person who said this was a city planner or a DOT person who pretty clearly knew what she was talking about.

I do not much like the outdoor grounds at St. Michael’s but if you do not look out the window from St. Joseph’s the place is really quite passable. I get throaty, almost earthy feelings about the commonality of dying. Many of us are unknown and forever will be, others have some evidence of their life’s work available for all who care to look for it.