I have not posted to the “Shit Doesn’t Work” category in a long time, but that’s not to suggest that I have not encountered the usual daily slew of websites and software packages that do not work or otherwise fail in some respect. I just thought the category was getting kind of stupid.

Earlier tonight I tried something else I have not done in a while: I tried to file a 311 complaint. There is a walk/don’t walk signal near here that has been locked on “don’t walk” for a few days. It would be worse if it was locked on “walk” but still, kind of unnerving, and I’ve seen some people stand in place unaware that they are actually able to cross and that the sign is not working.

No chance of my complaint getting through. I only try once with these things, and if I get something like an “error 80040e14” (whatever the hell that means) I don’t take it upon myself to diagnose or alert anyone who might be responsible. I am curious what the “telnet.asp”  file is about, though. What use could the telnet protocol have in this context?

311 Fail

311 Fail