SOmeone wanted to know what time it was. It was 12:12pm

Someone named LOU claimed Brooklyn will entirely be swallowed by a sinkhole on 7th Avenue.

A woman wanted homeless shelter accommodation rather than live in an abusive environment, getting beat and her children getting hit.

A far west side woman, 80 years old, reports her buiding has been surrounded by homeless people. She can barely open the door to her building and when she does she must step on to the homeless people there. A first for her, living there for 40+ years.

Dude reported a parking meter ate his credit card, caalled really to report the subsequently useless meter. Wind chimes sounding in the background were beautiful to me. Reminded me that there has only ever been one radio stream dedicated to wind chimes.

Woman did not want to be told that she was responsible for the dog poop on the sidewalk outside her property.

A woman whose mother had recently passed sought someplace to donate 1,000 adult diapers  the deceased no longer needed. I’ve actually fantasized, ever so fleetingly, about wearing adult diapers and pissing/shitting wherever I may sit. But I get over that notion quickly. I knew a guy whose long-term cocaine usage resulted in what will be lifetime incontinence. He wears those diapers now and wears them with pride, boasting to friends how he “dropped a log while talking to a news reporter.” 

Some people coming out of Covid rent amnesty owe 6 figures in back rent.