i use the interrogative punctuation after a week of failure in getting this new keyboard to work with the new phone. now it feels like i am racing. does this really work? maybe. maybe. some day, i swear, a software-induced heart attack. hardware would make sense, too. this full size foldable keyboard will find a place in my new leather satchel if i can send this message successfully. planning a trip to baltimore, just for fuck‘s sake, for the sake of fuck. i‘ve been running around, working, working on my stuff, scoring pictures of payphones i got 10 years ago, and seeing if those payphones exist today. good and pointless exertions of energy, senseless focus, like my life.
life here is pretty quiet. i hear the hollow gobbles of my idle, unfocused mind, and when sadness cripples in i let it all collapse into skimble-skamble, a gentle swirl of nonsense whence i hope the bandage heals the wound.
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