at a Famous Hamburger shop on Steinway Street. walked far too long to have settled on this for sustenance. in search of a Starbucks i found 3 but left each of them as soon as i entered, for every single seat was taken with standing room the only option should i desire the comfort of a roof over my head and walls around me to protect me from weather and villainy as i consume a vegetable panini and/or a cup of coffee. the continuous crowdedness of Starbuckses annoys me since it seems most of the people purchase one thing and sit there all fucking day like it’s their fucking office, sucking up electricity and wifi.

i’ve had poor luck this week getting anything posted from payphones. the last one i posted is almost inaudible, and another one i tried to send last night is completely silent. any endeavor that relies on payphones is imperiled from the get-go but jeez, why does the suckage have to be so persistent?

they took away the Super Center Payphone. that’s a letdown. A favorite payphone of mine but its demise was virtually assured when the PathMark closed down, leaving but a lonely payphone on a vast wall underneath the shadow of the words “Super Center” that used to be on the facade above.

i chose this spot for its access to the free WiFi outside. i am at the Famous Hamburger on Steinway Street


And now it is later, another place. That was a singularly nasty burger there at Famous Hamburger. I am sure their claim to famousness is genuine, but fuckall if I eat that shit again.

i walked 5.45 miles, according to a GPS tracker i use on the Note. that’s the longest walk i’ve done since using the tracker, but i’ve done walks far far longer than that in my illustrious pedestrian days. i need to find ways to export the maps for sharing with a sure to be fascinated public.

i worked on my network of poetry screed web sites yesterday and today. i don’t think anyone but my gf knows about those sites, as i’ve made deliberate attempts to obscure their very existence. some of it is good somme of it is trash but when i take a fresh look at it after an absence it looks as crazy as i had hoped. nothing communicates chaos like text. no need for animations and 3d acrobatics, i’ll take text any day.plain old text.

today i ventured up to 50th street to pick up something i bought from Amazon. they have this quaint service called Amazon Locker Delivery. i used it once before. they deliver your item to a locker and mail you a code that is used to open said locker. it is charming in its way but i guess it hasn’t taken off. the location i went to today (at a 7-11) is closing next week, and the other location i used in midtown closed last year. Maybe they just move them around once in a while. i read that this sort of service was hugely popular in other countries but that no one has made a try for it in the U.S. until Amazon did this. i like it but it’s strange and amusing.

the item i picked up was a bluray 3d Werner Herzog flick

i got a new keyboard for the desktop, giving up on a Microsoft 5000 with a spastic escape key. you never realize how much you need to escape until you can not reliably do so. new keyboards are disorienting.