Some day i might find the sounds of screaming babies to be a joyful bundle of wonderment, but for now: no. Screaming babies in bars are a symptom of gentrification, or old-school Irish drunkardry.


I managed to get a whole lot of nothing done today. I mean, I moved a lot of content but it is stuff that no one will ever see. I don’t mind that no one reads my web site any more. It feels like a burden lifted. I might even go ahead and block the content of from the searchies just as I do with .MOBI. Who needs to find this stuff sitting on the public network?


Poking around today, looking for paperwork on some of the characters I spotted at the NYC boneyards over the past few years. I found one prominently unconnected profile for someone who has interested me for a long time. A wealthy Irish immigrant whose eternity is being spent with his brothers in the largest personal mausoleum in Queens.  He did very well for himself and the brothers but one of the siblings screwed the pooch, frittering away all the millions after the others died. I also learned that there was a stillborn son born to the wife of one of the brothers. Who knew? The death record for that circumstance seems like it could use an exception. According to records the child lived to be 0, and died single. I don’t mind the 0 years of age but single? Just put a dash, or MTG for “Married to God” in that column.

Those old public records are pretty tough going, though. I didn’t think of it until later in the day but I looked up my parents’ listings, uncovering nothing that I did not already know. I am something of a genealogical sociopath, with no interest whatsoever in my own heritage but an enduring interest in helping others connect their dots. I might resume the forensic genealogy work again. I soured on it long ago when i felt like i was caught under the everything-is-free culture of the Internet. No one ever paid me for the time. Well, a few did, but mostly the treetracers manicly clung to their money.
