Smiles all around. Happiness, even, as
mistrials of obscurity obliterate
incoherent conversations,
creating literatures of independence
expressed by deafening revelations.

Seas embark on pursuits nimbler than drowning planets.
Mountains decide to move toward plutocracy.
Pipe organs shuffle military exercises in the hands of
unskilled church musicians, whistling invisibly through
watery threats of angry nuns and vapid priests.

Vanishment of empty space is a hoax, a
fraud of hungry dreamers who
button down horizons.
They say pictures tell the story, that
books reveal the meaning, that
experience is moot and even banal.
Trends evolve toward contrarian humorlessness,
patchworks of momentum dropped by
alternate means of transportation:
tennis shoes today,
palms of one’s hands tomorrow,
movements poised for treason as
winter’s grim assurances creep
unwillingly north.

These are unusual impotencies we
transport from face to face. We
alienate the wealthy with our
lifestyles of contempt, filling
friction with royalty stolen from
ancient, undocumented disasters.
I conceal dreams risen from rainwater.
I restrain chipped vibrations from
lofting unwelcomely into conversation.

Vacuums paradoxically grow,
increasing like artificial horizons
overseen by transient politicians.
Sirens weep with stale breezes,
communicating nothing of their intent
for they have nowhere to go,
no crime to evict,
no crisis to swallow.
Villainy trains itself to hassle appropriate mimes,
mastering the ways of the victim as
the sirens and their restraint are
suitably, even beautifully distracted.