This amazingly comprehensive error message ends with a commercial (of sorts) advertising the Sucuri CloudProxy Website Firewall. An error page — even one which appears to pass the buck to the “backend” server — seems like an odd place to advertise anything to do with operating a website. After admitting to Sucuri’s failure to deliver a cached copy of whatever page I was trying to access the page ends with the claim “your sites get cached”. Well, OK then.

I am also no fan of anthropomorphizing explanations for software or hardware. Am I really expected to believe that someone at Sucuri is “sorry” this happened, and that human beings were actively involved in the failure to deliver this web page?

Sucuri CloudProxy - Backend Server timeout

Sucuri CloudProxy – Backend Server timeout

Sucuri CloudProxy – Backend Server timeout

What is going on?

I am sorry, but we are unable to connect to the page you requested. It seems the backend server (where this site is hosted) is down and we do not have a cached copy to give to you. Please try again in a few minutes.

What can I do to fix it?

If you own the web site, please verify with your hosting company if your server is up and running. They might be doing a maintenance or be overloaded. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, open a ticket on our support page and we will troubleshoot:

If you are just visiting the site, just wait a bit and it should be back soon. We apologize for the incovenience. If you have any question, email us at

Error details

• Error Code: HTTP 504
• Error Message: Backend or gateway connection timeout.

Sucuri CloudProxy

CloudProxy is a Website Firewall from Sucuri. It stands between your site and the rest of the Internet and protects against attacks, malware infections, DDOS, brute force attempts and mostly anything that can harm it.

Not only that, but your sites get cached, speeding it up quite a bit. Interested? Visit