That’s funny. I thought I had sent yesterday’s panic post, but when it didn’t show up on the top page of the site I figured I was just mistaken. Well, it did not show up on the top page of the site because it was not supposed to. The idea behind Flâneur.NYC was that magnificent ramblings from the ghetto coffee shop and the Windmill and other of my fabulous destinations that used to go to the semi-secret Sorabji.MOBI would be sent here but hidden from view on the top page and in category listings and search queries. That’s how I would combine the old public sites and the old private site. The way to the private stuff would be to know what category to look for, or to just click through the stories. A .MOBI piece posted after a public story would be accessible through “previous/next” links on the stories themselves. That’s how I thought it should work and maybe that’s how it will work eventually, but for now since this whole place is completely invisible to the searchies I can work on how to accomplish that nuance of navigation without jeopardizing the non-indexability of the .MOBI stuff. Maybe just a freakin’ iframe.

Yah, so much to think about. Amazing how good I feel today after swallowing 3½ Lorazapans yesterday (I PROMISE I WILL LEARN TO SPELL LORAZAPAM/LORAZEPAM). I should look at what “half life” really means. Those have a half life of 12 hours, but if you take 3 pills at once is the half life 36 hours? Probably not. Not saying I will or must drink tonight but it’s already tempting given how much better I feel after yesterday. Appetite is back, as it always in on a sober night. Last time I stayed dry for 2 weeks I gained 7 pounds.

Well, just wanted to talk to myself a bit. No hit reporting on this site, either, so maybe I’m whistling in the wind.