I have not made up my mind about this matter yet, though the sense of shock it might have evoked has faded some, pending more information and perspective. In 1920s Virginia it seems as if white nationalism was all the vogue, with virtually nobody questioning the beliefs of eugenicists and their ilk. So was Powell’s position on things akin to the previous Pope having been a Hitler Youth in his childhood? More importantly to me is the role Powell’s beliefs may have had in shaping his music. Is this Sonata Teutonica meant to convey the music of the white man? Is Teutonica‘s apparent  reference to the early Germanic peoples meant to imply that the Teutons were considered a pure race? I have obviously not read all there is to know about this but I intend to.

Somebody asked me if I thought it might be culturally insensitive or even racist to suggest that Chinese people make Chinese food better than non-Chinese, or that Italian singers sing Puccini with more authority than non-Italians. It made me realize that when I was growing up there was no real argument about this. Russian pianists played Russian music with a national and cultural connection that non-Russians simply did not have. Has this really become a sensitive subject?

Despite having been a classical pianist most of my life I actually find that I rarely ever connect with the music in my hands. I understand and respect it but it’s not like reading an essay of observations by someone who grew up in Tampa or from someone commenting on local Astoria matters of which I am aware. that’s connecting to me. The two types of music with which I felt immediate empathy and communion were the sacred harp and (to a lesser extent) bluegrass and hillbilly. Knowing that Powell’s music comes from the mind of a white separatist I find an interest arising in me that feels a bit morbid. Do I want to understand all there is to know about the person behind these notes? How am I supposed to feel knowing that all these years I’ve been playing the music of the white man?

Daily Press. Newport News, VA. October 26 1924

Daily Press. Newport News, VA. October 26 1924