Somebody, and I am sorry to say I don’t remember who, posted this to a Facebook group some time last year, when I posted asking if anyone knew the name of the bar that used to inhabit what is now Rest-au-Rant, at 35th Avenue and 30th Street. That Irish pub had been called something like “Cat in the Cage” or “Cat ‘n’ Cage”. It was interesting to get clarity on this since any number of older folks around here had described that Irish pub but nobody could remember its name.

Other former bar names came up in the discussion, though, including the Yellowbird Lounge, which existed at 34-16 35th Street, where Tupelo used to be, although Tupelo used a street address on 34th Avenue, not 35th Street. Today the corner of 34th Avenue and 35th Street is taken by a C-Town, née Bravo, though the space is altogether different from when Tupelo or Yellowbird were present. There was a limo company that had a garage, but that space is now taken by the C-Town. Don’t know why I’m writing all this, just rummaging through old pictures and junk on the hard drives, mining for something interesting, and simply trying to get my creative energies focused.

Yellowbird Lounge

Yellowbird Lounge