to a fallen pretender of fame came ugly suggestions of blame a life sent to hell a knife lent to tell that the winners do not play the game control of the hovering blame is graced by a cigarette shame an empty motel a strangeness to tell of a cheap night at home with the game shaking in the hands of the blind i dropped like a frown on your kind hundreds of dollars a day spent on the gins of Bombay for the hot, sinking sponge of your mind a grim disagreement of greed saw a firm resolution of creed the catholics complained the mormons refrained and the garbagemen came for your seed letters from children to God suggest that the questions are broad a child of 5 asks what reality masks and thinks that it may be a fraud it‘s good to be home with the young when the grasp of conceptions is strong i think of you two when corpses come to in the placid dismay of the wrong
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